Award-winning Inspirational Fiction Author
Laurie (L.C.) Lewis

The Destination Billionaires Romance Series
Lucy McConnell and I met at a writers' conference a year ago. We also belong to several of the same writers' groups, so we keep in touch. I was preparing The Dragons of Alsace Farm for release when she contacted me about her new series--The Destination Billionaires Romance Series--inviting me to join the twelve-author team who were each contributing a volume. I knew readers loved themed romance series, so I was delighted to join this talented team.
Romance is a new genre for me, so I'll be writing my volume under a pen name--ADDISON TAYTE.
My volume doesn't launch until March 2017, but writing it is a delicious treat. Can't wait for you to see it. In the meantime. enjoy the volumes my co-authors are releasing each month.





